
MLB autograph

long week again,just realised that have not updated for a longggggggggggggg time.yes backed from UK finally i am in singapore now.
Friday met Eric randomly in the coffee shop,have not seen him for 3 years i suppose.he was a senior of mine in the university, and he used to be the president of singaporean society.he was so popular at that time everyone knows him-the cute,smart,high grade guy.and then i went to a bar called "your mother does not know" with munwai and charles. i am not a bar or club person,but after long week i found i really need something to drink on friday night. hated to go normal bars because i just want to sit,drink and chat with my friends no disturbing by other random people.so a high class gay bar can be the best place.i feel really comfortable to go there with my gay friends.most of the time, besides my boss and colleague hardly can see other male,but somehow you still need to meet male to balance your life. also as someone who does not dating anybody,go out meet the close gay friends would be good enough for me^^

saturday,belly dance class ofcourse.my favouriate time in a week-dance is the only thing i can do for myself.part time professional belly dancer definitelly is something i want to print on my name card . lucky no japanese class saturaday afternoon,and i went to Heeren.

FINALLY I AM HERE,mlb autograph session for their 3 album.for them i am a new face,but i know their name since superband.unlucky enough i was in uk all the time,missed all their activities,gathering,concert.really really really wanted to go soemthing like yesterday and see their performance in person. TRUE ENOUGH,it was soooooooooooooooooooooooooo gooooooooooooooood.they were so amazing.not really their hair style,i prefer their look in the 2nd album(i am sorry to say that,because for me they are still the neighbour brothers). Sam,really really really nice guy,cute in person and cool with drum,just could not move my eyes away from him hahahahahahahahaha.
Enjoy the new album a lot but still sadly,sam does not have a lot solos in the new album. I WILL GO AGAIN NEXT SUNDAY.



聽日出成績我好緊張。果日夢到我今個sem7科,2科pass佐,5科fail,仲fail到好鬼死低分,唔係11就係23分。醒佐之后打比angela聽,巨安慰我話:夢于事實係相反ge~~~相反,就係我pass5科fail2科,都係fail啊... ...
第二日我無聊走去訓午覺,結果夢到我收到學校信,信封日面除佐trasncripts,仲有好厚一曡resit exam mock paper and answers... ...我又炸醒,心悸好耐好耐好耐。我承認我好擔心,我都承認今次我考試心有餘而力不足。
聽日出成績,wish me good luck!
TOUCHWOOD,分佐手啦,你已經有佐新女友,放我走吧!唔好再講掛住我... ...再講我都唔會心軟,你應該負起做人男朋友ge責任。
淩晨3點半,LD竟然同我講八卦... ...聽完之后我唔知應該比咩反應... ...
之后講到HENRY W,哎“道不同不相為謀”。大家個個話我EQ 高,性格好,不過人大方有限度,踩過界我係好小氣ge。
arm arm同karin和lala傾計,好掛唸lala... ...



剛剛在看bbc新聞,the king of pop Michael Jackson竟然去世了... ...
本來還很期待他那300多鎊一張門票的倫敦演唱會,走的這樣突然,毫無徴兆的... ...


the visit

so bored these days... ...and time past really slow day by day.
this morning i woke up as usual and log in my MSN,a message window pop out from Angela,she said nice weather want to go out with me,but i already woke up late,so i said tomorrow.then she said what about if i go your home visit you?
what?you sure?i was so happy.coz i invited her to come over hundred times before,but she was just a lazy pig... ...
and we watch tv and chat chat and chat and then watch tv ... ...feel happy and relex.
suddenly LD called,he said:hi, wendy,you know there are already 10 cases registed within the university of swine flue??????? i was completely shocked.coz Angela and I we were planed to go Spain and France around july, then go Scotland. but now... ...have to stay at home doing nothing
Angela just left now,decid to go shoppoing together the day after tomorrow.


keep in touch

Alex will fly back to Taiwan this afternoon.He is on his way to London Heathrow Airport now.I am sad and starting miss him... ...
He was a really really close friend to me,a really really helpful person in my study,he also was a big Sister/Brother (what ever) for me.we share sadness,we share happiness and we understand each other.i probablly be the only friend to him in exeter????????the year in Exeter was full of down mood,sometimes i really do not know who and how to tell,but he always be the one listen to me carefullly and said:don't worry i always have the same feeling as well. well... ...and he enjoys talking about gossip with us ^^sometimes he making fun on me,but never in a rude way but kind of sweet~
last night we went to the Italian restaurant and had the most tasty Herbal Salmon Cream Pasta in the world with a cup of Pineapple Magrita... ...Angela ordered a strange taste FRENCH MARTINI ,Alex and LD had a COKE MIXED(ODD,should be 7up)Long Island Ice Tea... ...we talked a lot and back home at 10 coz he need to catch up the flight today so he really needs to sleep early.before we each backed home he made a sad face and waved to me,i really did not know what to say but"take care,have nice journey i will call you tomorrow afternoon before your flight departs"and turn around walk away in less than 1 second,or he would see my"black tear"(i had kind of smoky eye makeup last night).......immediately i got a SMS from him:still have chance to meet in the future cheer up say goodbye to angel too.
short but sweet.
crying again liao... ...so need to stop here.just want to say to my very much of a kind big bro:Alex,keep in touch please,you said you would come to S'pore visit me right.and if in the short future you and your pretty GF get married remember tell me, i will definitelly fly to TW go your wedding party. all the best~!


awful me

drunk last night... ...never let myself drunk actually i was talking about i even never ever let myself touch alcohol(except cooking alcohol,alcohol-filled chocolate and rum and raisin icecream).coz alcohol tasts sucks... ...with high calorie(i'd rather get a piece of chocolate with that quota)
feel really awful and guilty about my drunk,it spoiled all the image i built up infront of friends... ...
but i did it on purpose... ...really want to get drunk and be irresponsible for only 1 night... ...I AM COMPLETELY A GEMINI,and i admit i got 2 faces,and the Wendy everyone knows is a happy,positive,bright,kind-hearted,good natured and likable with a whole big bunch of friends at school... ...but the other Wendy only Wendy knows,she is negative,down mood all the time, scared of loneliness and cry for the unhappiness happened at the day time during night time when she is alone,becuase she just tried soooooo hard to be a perfect person around everyone.
just want to say,becuase i was born to make others around me happy and feel comfortable when they around.
it is true that different people would react differently after drunk.me??????????i cry... ...i feel awful about myself again,coz even i drunk my brain still offered signals of minimizing the lost of image,i hold myself so hard that try to walk straight and try not to talk alot when LD walk me home.but after i found my keys opened my room door i called Angela(the only person i wanted to call at that time).i cried and cried and cried for 40 mins through the phone,just completely lost controls,but seriously after that i found i am totally released.and i still remembered what did angela said through the phone call,the only sentence she repeated was"you are a human,you need to make sure you are happy at the first place,then think about others,do not push yourself too much" and i was kept crying out"no i can not,we are mature enough to hold our emotions all the time and be responsible to others"... ...
just want to say i would never ever let myself drunk again... ...this really let me feel awful about myself,i am worrying if i said anything rude or wrong last night... ...if i did,i do not want to hurt anyone i really on purposely made myself drunk for venting my deepest mind.



又想去旅行了!!!!!!自从这个idea又不小心的跳出来之后我就兴奋了好久好久,今天一起床也是在兴奋,完全忘了我还有exam... ...
这次想从UK飞到西班牙的马德里,走走玩玩,之后从马德里去巴塞罗纳.之后从巴塞罗纳搭船去蔚蓝海岸,也就是法国南岸啦!!!!从加纳登陆,之后沿着海边到摩纳哥,然后上去薰衣草圣地普羅旺斯.再飞回UK. 不介意回新加坡前去一次scotland的湖区和高地啦... ...
如果不是因为Budget有限,时间也匆忙我绝对绝对不会介意再飞去希腊.从希腊玩一圈飞去 匈牙利的布达佩斯,然后三角形的方向上去奥地利的维也纳,最后去捷克的布拉格... ...
想归想... ...$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$钱又乱乱花光了,又喜欢旅行... ...
想说布达佩斯那个三角我还是不要去,因为好乱好危险.希腊也不要去好了,等和我的future husband honey moon再说.那也至少要买机票去西班牙,再从西班牙去法国南部阿,然后法国再回uk!!!!!
幸好,欧洲最主要的10个国家我已经玩遍了.省下的这些可以慢慢来,但$$$$$$$$$$还是好重要.因为我还是想去旅行... ...在想藉口怎样问daddy拿多一点旅行钱... ...就说我失恋心情不好好了??????????????????????????????????????????????但明明是我提出分手的阿!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
唉呦,但是又好擔心那个猪流感... ...西班牙真的是很容易有传染病的地方... ...
不管啦,先问爸爸拿钱再说,我的心已经去到西班牙了,很认真的钱还没有拿到,酒店机票也没有定,我已经开始在想我要穿什麽衣服带哪双鞋子了... ...